Time-Prism Blog Focused on Family-Life IssuesPosted on by Donald McElyea
Organizational Commitment Just as for organizational goals and organizational leadership, parallels for family life can be easily found in research on “Organizational Commitment: Its Major Effects.” Without commitment by family members to their goals and family leadership, it is doubtful …Continue reading →
Time-Prism Blog Focused on Family-Life IssuesPosted on by Donald McElyea
Organized Family Life Family life has been examined by many and varied experts. While I make no pretense of being an expert in any subject, I would like to examine the family in an environment in which I have some …Continue reading →
Time-Prism Blog Focused on Family-Life IssuesPosted on by Donald McElyea
The Value of Pennies Pennies found on the sidewalk, or elsewhere, no longer generate the excitement that might have been normal a hundred years ago. We have all heard, I suspect, the quote, “a penny saved, a penny earned,” or …Continue reading →
Time-Prism Blog Focused on Family-Life IssuesPosted on by Donald McElyea
Decline of a Nation Decline of a nation! A nation of greatness beyond any of history, has been observed throughout my lifetime. Once upon a time the United States of America (USA) stood out in greatness in its place in …Continue reading →
Time-Prism Blog Focused on Family-Life IssuesPosted on by Donald McElyea
Merry Christmas Ruminations for Today Merry Christmas to all! Please don’t get mad! I am only wishing you a merry, joyous, joyful, happy, celebration of the birth of the Christ Child. What! You are offended? This seems to be the theme …Continue reading →