Time-Prism Blog Focused on Family-Life IssuesPosted on by Donald McElyea
What Messages from the Heart are You Receiving? Messages from the heart arrive in many forms. Historically, as far back as I can remember my discussions with a doctor, I have had a low pulse rate (in the 50s), …Continue reading →
Time-Prism Blog Focused on Family-Life IssuesPosted on by Donald McElyea
Great Expectations Resolve to Reality Expectations, as we all know, very often clash with reality. Optimism with a view toward rewarding expectations is a controlling factor in many of the endeavors all of us pursue. However, disappointment often ensues. That …Continue reading →
Time-Prism Blog Focused on Family-Life IssuesPosted on by Donald McElyea
Oxford University Fights Militant Black PC and Black Lives Matter Fiasco Photo via Good Free Photos Black Lives Matter as a rallying cry for all types of perceived injustice to blacks has become a very irritating, violence-provoking, obstructive, divisive, issue …Continue reading →
Time-Prism Blog Focused on Family-Life IssuesPosted on by Donald McElyea
Adventures and Innocence Time Travel Adventures and innocence in the long ago past. Help us travel back to the times of Lil’ Orphan Annie Daddy Warbucks Punjab The Asp Dick Tracy hairy bushy-faced B O Plenty Gravel Gertie Sparkle Plenty …Continue reading →
Time-Prism Blog Focused on Family-Life IssuesPosted on by Donald McElyea
Rule of Law Rule of Law! The meaning and structure of the United States Constitution embodies this principle. Although not expressly stated in the Constitution, the principle is evident throughout the Constitution. This concept is essential to the American legal …Continue reading →